It's an afternoon blog by candlelight tea. I am sure glad that you don't need to dress up when you blog. I have been cleaning house this morning. This is a Virtual Tea Party that I was invited to at

http://www.makeminepink.blogspot.com/ Here you will find Garden Tea Parties, Mysteries and a Variety of Very Beautiful Tea Parties..
The Candlesticks were a wedding present, almost 11 years ago, I hardly ever use them , but I LOVE candles. The Floating Rose was a Trifth Store Find Yesterday and The beautiful Crystal Bowl was also purchased there, along with the beautiful Shabby Chic Rose Centerpiece. I wanted to get some Real Roses, However, I also found some Windsor Woods Wild Rose Perfume, S o The House Smells of Roses now. The Teapot & Dishes came from my Mom, they were in my "Hope Chest" when I moved out.
I had plans on making some yummy food or scones or something, but time just sorta slipped away, so the only food I have on the table is Butter mints. I love these, and they are very hard to find anymore, I remember when I was young, every wedding we went to had Butter mints & Cocktail Peanuts. Oh The Memories.
Speaking of Memories, as I was searching for a Lace tablecloth that my Mom has, somewhere in her Linen Closet, I found this Beautiful Vintage Embroidered Table Cloth. My Grandmother Made This. So it is a Very Special Keepsake....

Thank You for Joining Me for Tea & Please Join The Rest of The Blog Tour at http://www.makeminepink.blogspot.com/
Have a Great Monday!
Hi Angie - Your tea table looks beautiful and butter mints sound great to me! Thanks so much for coming over to my party too!
very pretty Ang! Beautiful table cloth, and I love the rose and spiral candles! Great job!
Luv ya Buddy
I love your blog, I will be sure to bookmark so I can come visit again. Thank you for visiting my tea party today, I've enjoyed sharing in your party too.
Your table is lovely! So nice of you to join in on the fun! And everything tastes better by candlelight, even butter mints! Please visit me later in the week for tea!
Fun Tea Party. Just loe the candles. I just love candles and light them up at all different times of day.
Hey, who can beat buttermints?! I love 'em, too!
I'm so glad you mentioned that tablecloth - it's beautiful and what a great keepsake!
Hi Angie,
The tablecloth is a wonderful keepsake. I love the tulips. Sounds like we both came from the same era buttermints at weddings and hope chests filled with goodies for us....
Hi Angie, I was honored to have you at my tea party today. Hasn't it been fun going to all the tea parties? I remember my Mom always, always had butter mints at her church circle meetings when she was the host. My siblings and I couldn't wait for the meeting to be over so we could have the leftover mints and peanuts. LOL....Lynn
Your table looks beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my party. Isn't this fun?
Your table looks pretty!
What a sweet table setting! I love to use "memories" too and am grateful I have so many.
(( ))
Your table is so beautiful!!! Lvoe the candles, so sweet! Thanks for stopping by my tea party too!
Thanks for inviting me to your tea party. It has been a long day and a nice hot cup of tea sounds good. I'll stop by again.
Beautiful, especially the tablecloth!
P.S. - I'm a scrapbooker too!
the tea time looks very nice. and I too remember butter mints and peanuts at every bridal shower and wedding..ha.
Love your roses and your tea party looks delightful!
Beautiful table- I had forgotten about the melt away mints and peanuts- you're right- they used to a staple at every wedding and shower.
Love your blog! What a fun tea party! So dainty! TFS- Deb
That is so beautiful!! What a special keepsake you have in that tablecloth!
What a pretty tablecloth!!
I love butter mints......
Thank you so much for inviting us to your tea!
Hi Angie!!
Thank you so much for visiting with me at my tea party! I love all the visitors I've had the pleasure of entertaining today!
I am so in love with your vintage linens.. I have a weak spot for them and to know they've been hand stitched from your grandmother is even more priceless!
Ahh.. buttermints! I used to buy bags of them and eat them throughout the day! Thank you for reminding me of my "lil Sweetpeas!" I'll have to buy a bag, it's been years! lol..
Stop by my page anytime, I so love visitors~
Table looks great Angie! What a special idea!...oh, btw, I mailed your ephemera/embellishment pack...be sure to let me know when you received it :o)
Thanks so much!
I never think about getting those butter mints, what a good idea. They are a sweet little mini treat, and look pretty in a dish.
Wonderful tea party. Thanks for inviting me.
What a lovely setting. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful items & their "stories" with us all. I love those butter mints, too!
Please join me as I'm hosting several tea parties this week, too.
Angelic Accents
Hi Angie,
What a pretty tea table you set and I love your grandmother's embroidered cloth! Thanks for stopping by and having me for tea earlier today too. :)
Best regards,
Wow, it all looks amazing!!
Very nice...I think I can smell the rose scent!
What a lovely setting!!! Did I hear you say Butter Mints? No need for cookies or scones, I LOVE Butter Mints!!!! Oh, and I love the candles. I wanted to use candles at my Tea Party, but was afraid my 2 year old little boy would pull them off!!! I had enough trouble keeping him out of the china!
What a beautiful layout, all looks lovely especially the spiral candles.
Debbie x
Hey it is me again! I just wanted to let you know I tagged you for the middle name game~
Luv ya buddy~
Anglea, your tea table is delightful, the embroidered tablecloth is so special and beautiful! Thank you for sharing tea with us!
What a beautiful set up and love the linens!
Thank you so much for visiting my tea party yesterday and I hope you'll come back again soon.
You have a fabulous blog!
Sandy :)
I enjoyed your tea table and script so much. Thank you for sharing. Your tablecloth is especially beautiful!
Aww, what a special table cloth you shared with us! I appreciate your visit to my odd tea as well... You captured the candle so nicely!
love th candlelit afternoon tea
Such a nice tea you set! And on cleaning day too. I love the candlelight.Sharon@C'estChouette.blogspot
Hey Angie,
i got my cupcakes from a wonderful lady called Mandii, but I love Shannons ( http://shannonthompson.blogspot.com ) faux treats, they are absolutely divine!
What a beautiful table setting! I went to the Make Mine Pink web page. Isn't it awesome!!!!!!
p.s. I wonder why it is so hard to find those butter mints. I really liked them also.
OH MY GOODNESS!! What a lovely tea! Thank you so much for sharing!
I am a scrapping mom too! :) Your blog is beautiful and I enjoyed reading some of your past posts!
How wonderful! It looks beautiful and I LOVE buttermints! I will be visiting your blog regularly. Thank you for the invitation to tea!
Thanks for visitin mg. I'm glad you did! Your tea party looks great!
oew gotta love teaparties!!!And i am sooo in luv with your turtle pancakes :)
beautiful table! was like i was there! i missed the cyber-actual party! Very nice meeting you and thank you for the comments on my blog!!! visit again soon! we'll have TEA!
I love the candlelight!
Lana G!
Thank you for the lovely tea, the beautiful setting, and for sharing the wonderful family treasures. It was just what I needed at the end of this afternoon!
I missed the tea party! Shoot:( Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I LOVE your turtle pancake! I am going to try that for my boys:) Love, Jamie
Thank you for joining us for tea at MMP! I enjoyed your lovely tea pary. Sweet memories abound.
Great tea party!!! I don't think I have candle stick holders or pretty linens or....LOL!!!!!
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