The Birthday Postcard, with the roses, Was Hand painted in Germany and I believe it has a 1901 Postmark.
Here's The Prize Package Again.......
The next Package Is For My Shabby Chic, Cottage Owner Friends That Love Pink & Roses, these are one of my very favorite things too. Yes, That is The Vintage Pink Apron That I Found While Treasure Hunting and I got such a Response that I thought I would give it away to some "Lucky Friend" ....
I Was Tagged ......
By JUNIE MOON To share 7 Interesting Facts about Myself:
So Here it Goes:
1: My Favorite Job I ever had was at A China Store, Dansk China. I LOVE China and loved the customer interaction. I now sell china on ebay, a lot of Dansk & Lenox.....
2: My Favorite Candy is Chocolate Covered Gummy Bears from Rocky Road Chocolate Factory.
3:I Used to Collect Cows,I still like them but hubby didn't ,so I sold most of them in a Yard Sale.
4: I've only went to Disneyland once, I was going into my Freshman Year of High School. My Favorite thing was the "Small World " Ride.
5: I am an Only Child, well I have a 1/2 Sister who is 8 years older than me and we never lived together, so I was an only child.
6: I had 2 Best Friends in High School, Erin & Amy that are still my friends today, not to age myself, but that means almost 19 years.
7:Even though you wouldn't know it from my blog, I have Scrapbooking for almost 10 years. I have stamped off and on for about 8 , and I have always enjoyed doing crafts....
So Now You Know Little Know Facts about me, I tag ~
AMY at BunnyRose Cottage
Shanon at PAINT MINE PINKSuzy at Paper Monkey
Linda at Somewhere in Tyme
Beth at Sunflowers & Dragonflies
If Anyone is Still Reading, I got an AWARD FROM Michelle at BACK THROUGH TIME : It's A "YOU MAKE ME SMILE AWARD"
Of Course all of you make me smile, but the rules are to pass this on to 10 people and I hope I am not doubling up :)
So Here it Goes:
1.Sophie at SophieHoneysuckle's I Love her Blog and Her Cat, Spider :)
2.Bren at BREN"S LITTLE COTTAGE She was My Black Cat & Pumpkin Swap Partner, I Love all the fun stuff she made for me, especially the Halloween Crown.
3.Deborah at StampingGranny She makes such beautiful Cards and is such an Inspiration.
4. Carol at Crazy For Crafting I love her Cards and Scrapbook Papers and I was Drawn in her Pay It Forward Game that I will be posting on my blog as soon as I receive it this week :)
5.Rhonda at Farmhouse Style She is so encouraging and Creative, Love Antiques and Shabby Things like me and always makes me smile.
6.Marikee at COLOR YOUR WORLD She does Beautiful work and her colors are always so cheery, you can't help but Smile!
7.Tara at Tara's Ramblings She does the most beautiful Scrapbook Layouts, I am so Inspired by every Layout she does. We also Purchased our QK Silhouettes the same week, so we've had so much fun with those.
8.Malita at Life's Simple Pleasures She is so encouraging , always has something sweet to say and makes the most beautiful cards. I'm sure she has been tagged before, but she always make me smile.
9.Dawn at Daily Scrappin Inspiration She makes Beautiful Cards & Scrapbook Layouts, She is Such an Inspiration.
10.Flossie at Flossie's Follies She also Makes Beautiful & Inspirational Cards and She is also so Encouraging and a Faithful Blog Reader.
I Love You all and so happy to have met each and everyone one of you and I think you are all so talented. I tried to pick the ones who I had not seen awards for , so please don't bad that I didn't include you, since I could only choose 10!
Remember to leave A Comment for the Giveaway, I know it was an Hour ago that you read it,haha :)
Have a Wonderful Sunday!